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Showing posts from June, 2018

3 Step to Repeat the title line of tables each pages in Microsoft Word 2013-2016

you will need to know how to repeat the title line of tables on pages in Word. In the case of tables in your document is too long makes look the title become more difficult. Invites you to follow the article below for instructions on how to repeat the headline of a table in the pages in Microsoft Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Why repeat the headline of the table in the page in Microsoft Word Sometimes, you read to a page, you do not remember the title of the column or row, you are back at the top to see what it is. That takes much time and don't effect. Now every time you want a new page, the header that is repeated for ease of observation and capture. Please refer to the following article to do it. Not only, Word and Excel are supported repeating headers help users save operation, the steps to repeat the title in Excel extremely simple tips repeating the title in Exce l was tutor5s share in all previous tips. INSTRUCTIONS Repeat the TITLE ...

Guide to split table, delete cell, column, row in Microsoft Word 2013-2016

The table in Microsoft Word 2010-2013-2016 is a new feature, but few people know to use. The following article, tutor5s will introduce to you a feature table in Microsoft Word 2010-2013-2016 for those who at least use as well as unknown to this feature.

How to draw a diagonal line on table in Microsoft Word 2007-2013-2016

Most of us who have to use the Microsoft word 2007-2010-2013-2016, of course, that means you drawed a table. But to have a good and nice table is not simple.