Word, PowerPoint, and Excel are the three software, which is used popularly on the computer, the fact from secondary school until the University and you still have to learn how to open a Microsoft Word or a docx file. Today, the draft text was no longer so familiar to those who know how to use computers. A nd Microsoft Word is a text editor program, which was preferable and most popular today. For Office workers or teachers, then Microsoft Word is a program of assistance for the drafting of the text and is an indispensable tool. 7 Ways to open a doc, docx file So you know how many ways to open Word, Excel, PowerPoint on your computer? With these new friends then this is certainly interesting questions. Way 1: Open on Desktop Usually, af ter installing any software, its icon will appear on the Desktop, with the software in the Office, too. You are ou t desktop and then double click o n the Word icon to launch the software. Way 2: Use the search box on the computer ...